
The institute is an intensive, multi-day training experience that prepares up to 60 participants to use the principles of prevention to address hazing in their community or organization. The program is interdisciplinary, welcoming participants from various roles across higher education, inter/national organizations, public safety, academia, and more. Participants include campus and organization professionals, volunteers, and students.

The 2024 event is being held virtually through four sessions spanning two weeks. This format allows us to teach content in smaller portions and offer more coaching time with faculty while providing participants time to reflect, process, and apply lessons between sessions. Because you’ll be learning while doing, this is a chance to work with your team to rethink your hazing prevention work and develop plans for the fall.

Based on feedback from previous virtual Institutes, we are moving more content to asynchronous videos, breaking up the live session time, and reducing the length of live sessions.


July 23, 25, 30, & Aug 1
12:00 - 4:00 pm EDT
Online Event


Attend as an individual or as part of an institution/organization team. Because hazing prevention is a shared responsibility, we encourage participants to attend with interdisciplinary teams of professionals, volunteers, and undergraduate or graduate students.

The virtual format allows us to welcome up to 10 participants per institution or organization. We cap registration at a total of 60 participants to ensure a high-quality learning experience and a personal touch with the faculty.

Student voices are a hallmark of this event. We ask those sending undergraduate students to the Institute to also send professional staff, so they can work together as a team. 

Undergraduate students or organizations who have been sanctioned to attend will not be accepted. The curriculum is not appropriate as a sanction.

Consider bringing professionals or undergraduates from areas including, but not limited to:

  • Athletics

  • Campus Fraternity and Sorority Life

  • Band/Music/Theater and Spirit Organizations

  • Student Conduct officials

  • Risk Managers (campus or headquarters)

  • Residential Life

  • Student Activities and Organizations

  • Prevention and/or Wellness Specialists (campus or headquarters)

  • Senior Administrators or Organizational Leaders (e.g., who oversee health and safety efforts)

  • Headquarters Staff (e.g., involved in chapter development, education)

  • Campus Law Enforcement & Safety Officers

  • Campus Recreation and Sport Clubs

  • Campus Legal Counsel

  • Campus ROTC/Military Organizations


The Institute is an intensive, multi-day learning experience. All attendees experience the same curriculum, and each session builds on previous lessons, so those registering must plan to participate in the entire experience.

For this summer’s virtual event, sessions will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 12:00 pm to 4:00 p.m. Eastern, with regular breaks. Sessions will not be recorded, so block other meetings or distractions from your schedule. Plan about 2-3 additional hours between each session for asynchronous content, homework, team time, and coaching time.


The Institute focuses on the prevention of hazing. While appropriately responding to hazing incidents is an important element of a comprehensive approach, it is not the focus of this Institute. Successfully preventing hazing requires a multi-faceted effort that is tailored to local circumstances. Therefore, the curriculum does not provide a pre-packaged “program” to prevent hazing. Rather, it teaches participants how to engage in community change that is specific to their context. In other words, it teaches how to create prevention efforts that are more likely to result in change.

The Institute will prepare you to carry out four specific skills critical to prevention in your community or organization:

  1. Using a facilitator philosophy to guide our approach to hazing prevention

  2. Cultivating support across an interdisciplinary network of stakeholders

  3. Using data and research to identify the contributing factors to hazing, and

  4. Critiquing and improving hazing prevention initiatives


Registration fees are $375 for 2024 and cover program attendance, guided work assignments between sessions, coaching sessions with faculty, all program materials, and supplemental resources before and after the program. Registration will be open from late April through June 28, or until the program is full.

Max Gruver Foundation Scholarships

The Max Gruver Foundation has made a generous commitment to the 2024 Interdisciplinary Institute for Hazing Prevention by providing scholarships for up to 5 participants! The Max Gruver Foundation scholarships cover the full cost of registration and are available to any staff, volunteer, or student participant.

Submit your scholarship application through this form.

The application deadline is May 31, and recipients will be notified by mid June. Learn more about the Max Gruver Foundation here.

The Institute is a transformative experience that causes you to reframe your thought process around how our institution can build a comprehensive data-driven hazing prevention strategy.
— 2019 Participant